Microbiota and maintenance of skin barrier function
Procura algum tema específico?
Research indicates that owning a dog as a pet can positively impact the microbiota
Skin microbiota: the dynamic interplay between cutaneous lipids and skin microbiota
Microbial derived antimicrobial peptides as potential therapeutics in atopic dermatitis
Emerging and reemerging fungal infections in pets
Manipulating skin microbiota to treat atopic dermatitis: insights from human studies
Commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis contributes to skin barrier homeostasis
Veterinary Dermatology Drugs Market
Human Colonization and Infection by Staphylococcus pseudintermedius: An Emerging Zoonotic Pathogen
Exciting news in microbiome research
Impact of Bacterial Biofilm in Veterinary Medicine
Are prebiotics the same as probiotics?
Can the gut microbiome predict cancer immunotherapy response?
Skin microbiota: the critical role of a balanced skin
Microbiome: Hype or Hope
Sustainability trends in the pet industry
Pruritic threshold
Dermatophyte cultures in cats: strategies for improving diagnostic accuracy
Gut Microbiota and Atopic Dermatitis in Dogs: A Preliminary Study
Microbiome friendly products: the next trend for veterinary dermatology?